"Artwork as 'work that's art by kindness' denotes a creative piece that embodies aesthetic beauty and conveys positive messages promoting compassion and goodwill."

-Trần Thanh Trúc, Founder.

Trần Thanh Trúc. Our Team at Concept Tử Tế, the top Vietnamese Branding Agency
Trần Thanh Trúc. Our Team at Concept Tử Tế, the top Vietnamese Branding Agency
Trần Thanh Trúc. Our Team at Concept Tử Tế, the top Vietnamese Branding Agency
Our founders at Calm Exhibition. Copyright by Concept Tử Tế, the top Vietnamese Branding Agency

Trần Thanh Trúc: On Kindness, Authenticity and Building Concept Tử Tế

Kindness has been my steadfast anchor through life's storms, offering solace when I struggled to find spaces that fostered true empathy and gratitude. When such a refuge remained elusive, I took it upon myself to create one - and Concept Tử Tế was born from that passion.

But genuine kindness, I've learned, isn't something automatically achieved. It's an ongoing journey of self-discovery, growth and conscious evolution. At my agency, we wholeheartedly believe that ultimate happiness lies not just in personal achievements, but in the positive impact we make on those around us through the compassion we extend.

Here at Concept Tử Tế, I embrace my truest self daily without reservation. I get to nurture my creative spirit alongside incredibly talented friends - both long-standing as well as new collaborators. Our workplace is a living monument to the beauty that blossoms when you stay true to a purposeful path. Like vibrant wildflowers and towering trees flourishing from the fertile soil of the right journey.

My Empathy-Driven Brand Building Journey

Long before founding Concept Tử Tế in 2019, I had amassed over a decade's experience pioneering innovative branding strategies and authentic narratives tailored for Vietnamese audiences:

  • I've held influential marketing leadership roles at companies like Vigo, Mio and OKXE between 2021-2023.
  • In 2022, I spearheaded business model experimentation focused on cutting-edge brand innovation.
  • My expertise has allowed me to breathe life into over 20 transformative brand identities and campaigns from 2020 to present.

This extensive journey has crystallized my philosophy: Brands must forge profound emotional connections with audiences by first embracing authenticity themselves. My agency empowers businesses to share their true selves through the empathy-driven philosophies I champion.

I invite you to dive deeper into my story - from conception to manifestation of the cultural experiences, creatives and diverse talents at Concept Tử Tế today. Our agency is a living celebration of Vietnamese artistry, heritage and kindness brought to life.

The Artistic Journey of Trần Thanh Trúc

A Journey Through Sound and Sensation

Four years ago, the seeds of “Thấy” were sown amidst the urban cacophony of life’s unending symphony. Amidst the noise, I found myself yearning for tranquility, and it was in this chaos that “Thấy” began to whisper its first notes to me. The city’s blend of helplessness, hope, exhaustion, and faith became the canvas for an auditory masterpiece that would captivate the senses of many.


As I stood there, eyes closed, the world’s noise transformed into a symphony of humanity. The laughter, the footsteps, the very heartbeat of the city, all merged into a melody that spoke of life’s intricate tapestry. It was a revelation—a realization that our perception is not solely reliant on sight but can be profoundly shaped by sound.


This epiphany birthed a vision, a desire to create an exhibition where sound was the protagonist, guiding visitors through a narrative woven from the threads of auditory experience. However, the path to realization demanded patience, persistence, and passion.


At the Thuc Exhibition, “Thấy” stood as a testament to this journey. In the THẤY dark room, I brought my vision to fruition:

  • Concept Design: The THẤY concept was an immersive odyssey into the realm of sound, designed to challenge and expand our sensory boundaries.
  • Sound Production: I took the helm of sound production, meticulously crafting an auditory landscape that encapsulated the essence of Ban Mai’s life—from her birth to old age. Through carefully curated narratives and sound effects, visitors experienced her world as she does, allowing empathy to flourish.
  • Experience Setup: The setup of the experience was an invitation to a voyage of discovery, where visitors were enveloped in darkness, allowing the story to unfold through sound alone.


“Thấy” was more than an artwork; it was an experience that transcended the visual, offering a glimpse into a world where hearing reigns supreme. It was a celebration of the unseen, a reminder that perception is a multifaceted jewel, and every sense is a pathway to understanding the beauty of existence.

Thuc Exhibition. Copyright by Concept Tử Tế, the top Vietnamese Branding Agency
Thuc Exhibition. Copyright by Concept Tử Tế, the top Vietnamese Branding Agency
Thuc Exhibition. Copyright by Concept Tử Tế, the top Vietnamese Branding Agency
Thuc Exhibition. Copyright by Concept Tử Tế, the top Vietnamese Branding Agency
Visitors at Calm Exhibition by Concept Tử Tế, the top Vietnamese Branding Agency
Calm Exhibition. Copyright by Concept Tử Tế, the top Vietnamese Branding Agency
Visitors at Calm Exhibition by Concept Tử Tế, the top Vietnamese Branding Agency

“Dark - Calm - Light”
Concept by Trần Thanh Trúc

In the midst of the “CALM” exhibition, I stand as both the creator and the orchestrator of an experience that transcends the ordinary. My role here is multifaceted, a blend of artistry and technical prowess.


As the designer of the Dark-Calm-Light concept, I crafted a journey through contrasts—a voyage from darkness to light with a tranquil haven in between. It was I who envisioned this narrative, this interplay of shadow and illumination where calmness serves as the fulcrum.


With meticulous care, I took charge of the sound production, layering audio that resonated with the very soul of the space. Each note, each pause in the soundscape, was a deliberate choice to enhance the immersive experience of the visitors.


Setting up the experience was like weaving a story without words. Every element, every placement, was a sentence in this silent tale. I arranged the artworks, the chairs, the mirrors, and the threads to speak volumes in their stillness.


And finally, the storyline for the entire concept was my narrative to tell. Each artwork, each space within the exhibition, was a chapter in a larger story—a story of introspection, of society’s gaze, of the judgment we cast upon ourselves and others.


In this role, I was not just an artist; I was a guide, leading the visitors through a personal journey of reflection and discovery. The Acceptance or Perception and Judgment artworks were my instruments, and with them, I invited the audience to explore the depths of their own psyche.


This exhibition, with its interplay of dark and light, its moments of calm, was my canvas. And on it, I painted an experience that I hope will linger in the minds of those who walked its path long after they have stepped back into the light of the everyday world.

“Acceptance or Perception”
Artwork by Trần Thanh Trúc

The first artwork, “Acceptance or Perception,” beckons me. Five revolving chairs stand intertwined, their forms like gnarled roots seeking purchase in the soil of collective consciousness. Threads—dark as midnight—bind them together. These threads are more than mere fibers; they are the thoughts of society, woven into a complex tapestry. As I stand here, I am both the weaver and the woven.


The chairs represent the gaze of others, their eyes upon me. Should I add more threads, binding myself further to their expectations? Or should I unravel them, freeing myself from the weight of societal judgment? The threads tighten, constricting my choices. I contemplate acceptance—the surrender to external narratives—or perception—the forging of new paths through introspection.


In this quiet space, I grapple with questions: What threads do I weave into my own existence? How do I perceive the world, and how does it perceive me? Acceptance or perception—an eternal dilemma.

Rồng chầu sen (2024) bĐối Thoại (2024) by Tạ Duy Tùng at The Mange Hub by Concept Tử Tế.y Nguyễn Việt Cường. At The Mango Hub of Concept Tử Tế.
Art exhibited at Calm Exhibition by Concept Tử Tế, the top Vietnamese Branding Agency
Calm Exhibition. Copyright by Concept Tử Tế, the top Vietnamese Branding Agency
Visitors at Calm Exhibition. Copyright by Concept Tử Tế, the top Vietnamese Branding Agency

Artwork by Trần Thanh Trúc

Across the room, a single chair rests upon a mirror. “Judgment.” Its placement is deliberate—a juxtaposition of self and other.


As I sit, the mirror reflects my surroundings: the gallery walls, the muted light, and the curious gazes of fellow visitors. But it also reflects me—a reminder that my gaze, too, can be critical.


I look down, and there I am—a mere reflection, vulnerable and exposed. Have I considered that my judgments, too, are subject to scrutiny? The mirror holds no bias; it reflects truth, unfiltered. As I observe others, I must remember that they, too, see their reflections—their own stories etched upon their faces.


In this chair, I confront my dual role: observer and observed. The boundaries blur, and I wonder: Am I the judge or the judged? Perhaps both. The mirror whispers, urging self-reflection. Beneath its surface lies the truth—the unvarnished reality of my existence.

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